As part of the initiative of the German Ministry of Industry “Ecological technologies”, the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce held a workshop entitled “The Bulgarian Water Sector Meets the Green Technologies”, held online on April 20-21 2021 from Sofia. Mozaika helped organize it by shaping the programme, selecting the moderators and the participants in the event. The day and a half meeting gathered Bulgarian experts in a variety of institutions and orgnizations responsible for managing water resources in Bulgaria, such as Regional and Municipal Plumbing Operators, Ministry of Regional Development, Ministry of Environment and Waters, National Electric Company, representatives of private service providers, legal experts and German experts in the Water Sector from Sachsen Wasser and from Aqua consult to discuss crucial topics for the Bulgarian water sector, such as the waste and loss of water, water purification and the water in the circular economy. The vivid discussions singled out specific problems and suggested paths for their solution. Spacial attention has been paid to exchange of experience with the German participants and discovering opportunities for cooperation in different aspects of improving the water sector in Bulgaria. Apart from the estabilshment of bi-lateral connections, obtaining an in depth overview of the state of the Bulgarian water sector, the results of the workshop discussions will be summarized in a strategic report, produced by Mozaika, to be presented to Bulgarian authorities and various stakeholders in the water sector of Bulgaria.
The programme and the presentations of the workshop have been published on the site of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.