Mozaika at the Core of the Water Resources Conference, dedicated to the World Water Day 2024

On March 21st, 2024, Water Resources – Management, preservation and effective use, a conference dedicated to the World Water Day 2024, was initiated, conceived, co-organized by Mozaika, hosted by the Bulgarian Water Association, and held at InterExpo Center in Sofia. The event was supported by IAWD – International Association of Water Service Companies in the Danube River…

Mozaika signs a contract with Murmuration to deliver one of the first Use Cases of Destination Earth – DestinE

Mozaika was awarded along with Murmuration, SISTEMA and Imperative Space to deliver the first use cases for RHEA on top of the ambitious platform of the European Commission, the European Space Agency and EUMETSAT, developed in the project Destination Earth – DestinE. The Destination Earth (DestinE) is a flagship initiative of the European Commission to…

Mozaika sponsor at BiDS 2023

Mozaika was a supporter of this year’s edition of Big Data From Space (BiDS 2023) held at Vienna Center in Vienna. This conference gathers “key actors from industry, academia, EU entities and government to reveal user needs, exchange ideas and showcase latest technical solutions and applications touching all aspects of space and big data technologies. BiDS provides…