Business solutions

Business information delivery

IndustryInform ( is an innovative Data As  A Service service that simplifies the way business  owners, managers and manufacturers get industry data and develop their  businesses.  It meets needs for market development, competition analysis, review of a  particular economic sector, marketing research, finance, related people. This is possible thanks to: Reports and conclusions of expert…

Mozaika signs an agreement with the University Ca’Foscari Venezia for hosting student and recent graduates internships.

Mozaika signed an agreement with Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (link and Mozaika for the organisation of Internships and placements for students and recent graduates. That the main objectives of the internship / training are to allow the students to  apply what they have learned in their university education, to see first hand professionally innovative…

information services

Information services

Our Business Information Delivery Service keeps companies informed, competitive and on top of the market. To produce IndustryInform, Mozaika has developed a methodology for collecting, analysing and presenting information from different industrial and business areas tailored to the needs of a large spectrum of users. You can benefit from reports about industry and business sectors…

Data as a service


Our Data as a Service facilities are designed to enrich and improve your services. They cater to end users via graphical user interfaces and in B2B mode as components of larger software applications, connecting via API. For example, IndustryInform ( serves semantically integrated business and industry data from diverse sources in both end user and…

Infrastructure as a service


You need Intelligence as a service if you need to collect and organise massive data structures into a system that turns them into conclusions. We build intelligent modules on top of complex semantic data infrastructures and provide the results of the applied intelligence as added value to our customers in end user mode, via a…

Mozaika presents at the 11th International Symposium of Digital Earth (ISDE’2019)

Mozaika attends the 11th International Symposium of Digital Earth (ISDE’2019)(link:, held September 24-27 2019 in Florence, Italy, with a presentation in the main programme of the conference. The extended abstract of the talk, entitled “Linked Data Approach to Water Resources Management of Hydropower Reservoirs” will be published in the Proceedings of the Symposium.  …

Rsearch and Development


We have the capacity to catalyse your project, add scientific value to your research, speed up your innovations. Some of the aspects that we master and build upon: Linked Open Data Technologies ; Data driven AI ; Structured and unstructured data processing ; Semantics, discourse – natural language processing and semantics ; Reasoning – automation…