The NexusLinguarum workshop – DiSLiDaS 2022 – Discourse studies and linguistic data science: Addressing challenges in interoperability, multilinguality and linguistic data processing with Mozaika as Hosting Organization was held at Jerusalem College of Technology in Jerusalem on May 24 2022 with great success. The hybrid format of the event allowed participants from 3 continents – Europe, North America, Asia – and 18 countries to attend and contribute to the lively discussions. Organized by the members of the working group of UC4.2.2 studying language phenomena revealing social attitudes profiles and conceive methods to detect and represent them the workshop featured a diverse programme of papers selected by a very strong interntional Programme committee. The covered topics were dedicated to language resources creation and description and theoretical approaches of discourse studies. Bonnie Webber from the University of Edinburgh honoured the workshop with a thorough invited talk about discourse connectives, their semantics and relatedness to the information structure of discourse. The final general discussion lead to the birth of new initiatives on discourse research that will go beyond the end of NexusLinguarum.
The presented papers will be published in a special issue of a Journal with high impact factor.
Stay tuned …