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Mozaika presents at the 55th Annual Conference of Societas Linguistica European

The 55th Annual Conference of Societas Linguistica Europea was held August 24-27 2022 in Bucharest. Dr. Mariana Damova presented the joint paper entitled Ground-sharing and discourse development prediction associated with the role of  prosody in the interpretation of communicative connectives. The presentation discusse researh on the dynamics of common ground in English, Bulgarian and Polish…

DiSLiDaS 2022 – Discourse studies and linguistic data science: Addressing challenges in interoperability, multilinguality and linguistic data processing with Mozaika as Hosting Organization was held at Jerusalem College of Technology in Jerusalem on May 24 2022

The NexusLinguarum workshop – DiSLiDaS 2022 – Discourse studies and linguistic data science: Addressing challenges in interoperability, multilinguality and linguistic data processing with Mozaika as Hosting Organization was held at Jerusalem College of Technology in Jerusalem on May 24 2022 with great success. The hybrid format of the event allowed participants from 3 continents –…

Ligthning Talk at at the 5th Invernational Conference on the Use of Space Technology for Water Resources Management, organized by United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

The Fifth International conference on the use of space technology for water resources management was held between May 10 and May 13 in Accra Ghana. It has been jointly organized by The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the Government of Ghana with the support of the Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International…

Telemac training at IMDC

Within the project ISMoSeDe Mozaika forged a partnership with IMDC a leading company in the realm of hydrodynamic modelling and all aspects of water management, opearting world wide. Team members benefitted from a training by IMDC in hydrodynamics, hydrodynamic modelling and in using Telemac software for this. This training helped us acquire key expertise that…

Inauguration of INSAIT in Sofia

The inauguration of INSAIT – Institute for Artificial Intelligence and IT in Sofia has been a grand evet. It is a promising start of an inspiring initiative, revolving around human capital, scientific reasearch, demographics with the ambition to change the country and more, by attracting top talent from around the world.Great and positive quest that…